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Play using Hotspots:

You can also play it without the internet with your friends by using hotspots. That means this game can be played online as well as offline. If we go towards the history of mini militia, we will know that firstly it was available only for iPhone users and IOS devices. It got much success in iOS devices after that; they launched it for Android devices. After some time, its users increase day by day, and nowadays, it has many versions with many features coming day by day.

Furthermore, it has many modes, or we can say it has versions with hacking features that give many features free of cost. If you want to have those modes, do not worry. You are at the right place.

Multiplayer Shooting:

The mini militia is a two-dimensional multiplayer shooting game that has been very popular for a long time. It has many uses and players of about all ages and is being played worldwide by different players. It has taken much interest from many people all over the world. Even today, it has its fan club. You can play online with friends, relatives, and with anyone you want.

Play it Offline:

Moreover, the most significant opportunity is that you can also play it offline. It would be best if you connected with a hotspot with friends, and you can play with your friends without the internet and enjoy this Battle game. So we can also say that this game is online as well as offline. If someone asks about the best Battle game for about 90 to 80% of people is unknown player Battleground. However, the Mini military has its own fan following.

Mini Militia History:

No, I want to tell you something about the history of the Mini militia. So it was firstly only available for iPhone users and IOS devices. After getting much success in the iOS platform, the company also decided to launch it on Android. It was also launched in the Android platform, where it has much success, or we can also say that it has more success in the platform than the iOS platform. It had a lot of fan following, but nowadays it's players have decreased due to the pubg. However, there are also the fans and players of the mini militia who loves it.


  • Internet-connected:

Suppose you want to connect with your friends who are not with you and live in other cities or countries but have an internet connection. Robbery, you can easily connect with friends via Facebook or Google login. You need to send them your username so they can easily connect with you, and you can play with each other with that one friend. For this, you need to add them as a friend on the server and start playing with them.

  • Without internet:

Suppose you do not have the internet and want to play with your cousins, friends, neighbors, or relatives when you are playing. It would help if you connected all mobile phones with the same hotspot of any one of your friends, then you will have the option to connect; otherwise, this option will not be visible. You will all see the option of joining the game, and you can connect with them. The person who gave the hotspot is the host, and he can set the name of the game that will be shown to all of the participants. Maximum 12 players can play the game at the same time with only one hotspot closed. Whenever all the plays are ready, you need to click on the start button then the game will start in 6 seconds.

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